Changing the rules
We want more sustainability, more equity and more quality at affordable prices. Therefore, we change the rules of the game: we trade differently, you buy differently.
We share our turnover with the family farmers and our profits with our customers, investors and employees.
You are a part of this system and your involvement makes it possible in the first place.
We are turning the usual commercial price calculation on its head and paying the family farmers 10 per cent of the sales price in our online shop, in addition to the purchase price and organic and Fairtrade premiums. We are gradually introducing this model.
In 2023, we have paid out 1,161,520 euros in revenue sharing to 5,694 family farmers.
When we generate a profit, we share it equally with all employees worldwide, customers and investors.
In our annual report, we provide transparent information about our work, all business figures and any problems or difficulties. The report is available on our website.
We take high risks in areas where no one else is investing and create jobs through local processing.
You enable our investments with your purchases or invest in gebana yourself, thereby supporting an economy with future prospects.
Countries that only export raw materials remain poor which is why we are investing in processing in risky and financially disadvantaged regions. We help build companies that can sell locally and survive without gebana. It can be difficult but we accept that. We are convinced that development requires courage and patience. gebana has:
- established processing plants in Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Togo, Benin and Brazil
- created 761 jobs in subsidiary companies
- realised 39 % of their investments directly in developing countries (2023)
We ship our fruit right after harvest, straight to you without any detours. The only thing that matters is the taste. We don't care about meaningless standards like size or colour.
You place your order in advance and wait for harvest time. Then, depending on the variety, you either let the fruit ripen at home until it develops its full flavour or eat it right away.
We let nature decide. It's up to her how big a clementine or how crooked a carrot should be or when a pineapple is sweet enough. An orange may even be green and yet perfectly ripe. The taste is what matters! Not everything is always available; products of nature come in their own time.
And by respecting this we avoid food waste as well as intermediate storage in refrigerators and heated greenhouses.
We aim to improve our social and environmental impact and take a holistic approach to sustainability.
You do your part to make trade fairer and more sustainable by being more conscious and deliberate with your purchases.
To achieve positive changes for humans and nature, we adopt a holistic approach.
We still have a way to go, but with each year we are working to improve. In 2023, we have:
- purchased directly from 13'515 farmers who cultivate 44'885 hectares of organic land worldwide
- trained 10'095 farmers in organic farming and sustainability
- paid 602'935 euros Fairtrade premiums to farmers' groups
We sell bulk packages that come directly from the country of origin. This is more efficient, reducing not only waste but also food miles.
You buy large quantities and share the contents of the bulk packages with others.
We rely on direct trade. The products are packaged in the country of origin in a way that makes sense for the product and the producer. You will mostly receive large original packages by mail. This is an ecologically sound approach – shorter transport routes, lower emissions and less packaging.
- 74.5 % of our products are never repackaged (2023)
- 53.3 % of our deliveries come directly from the producer without intermediate storage (2023)
- 90.6 % of our products are certified organic (2023)