Order until: 08.12.2024, 12.01.2025 or 09.02.2025
The Sugar Loaf pineapple are sweet and so soft that you can easily eat the stalk at its centre. Due to its short shelf life, fresh pineapple is the only gebana product that is transported by plane.
Note on air freight
We offset the CO2 emissions caused by air transport fivefold. This compensation has proven to be relatively difficult in the past (more on this on our blog). Due to these difficulties, we are now investing the amount in photovoltaic systems in our new factory in Burkina Faso. Further information and the exact calculation will follow at the beginning of 2025.
Note on air freight
We offset the CO2 emissions caused by air transport fivefold. This compensation has proven to be relatively difficult in the past (more on this on our blog). Due to these difficulties, we are now investing the amount in photovoltaic systems in our new factory in Burkina Faso. Further information and the exact calculation will follow at the beginning of 2025.
How much is that?
7 kilos is equal to 6-8 pineapples.
Use & preparation
Storage & shelf life
Store the fruit in a cool, dry place, such as the cellar, where it will keep for eight days. When stored in the refrigerator, pineapples lose their intense flavour. Remove the fruit from the cardboard box as soon as you receive it. Check the pineapples for bruises and minor damage. Eat these ones first. If you find mould, remove the affected fruits to prevent the mould from spreading.
The moment I can sell my products is quite simply the best.
"I love being a farmer and wouldn't want to do anything," says Antoine Azi. In addition to pineapples, Antoine grows tomatoes, cassava, beans, soy and maize. "I can feed my six children while meeting the needs of the community. But of course, I also face challenges. I don't have the money to cultivate more land, modernise my farm or install a sustainable irrigation system. Droughts and dry soil also reduce the amount we can produce."